9711 137 Ave NW, Edmonton 780-540-3500

Sometimes achieving the perfect smile doesn't necessarily begin with cosmetic procedures.  Sometimes it could mean a proper foundation needs to be in place to ensure the proper functioning and health of your natural teeth.  When we have a damaged or missing tooth, it not only impedes our social life but our daily functioning as well.  A missing or damaged tooth interferes with our ability to eat and speak properly and disrupts our daily functioning.

The goal of restorative dentistry is to repair the damaged teeth or replace the missing ones.  The aim is to save your natural teeth and if need be, provide you with natural looking teeth and restore your smile.

There are a variety of issues that could be fixed with restorative procedures.  Whether it's missing teeth that need to be replaced with implants, bridges, or dentures, a decaying tooth that needs a filling,  or a broken tooth that needs to be strengthened by a crown, when you come into our office, our team at My Dental will help.

Upon your visit with our team, Dr. Omar Nsair will help you determine what treatment option is best to not only help restore the proper and healthy functioning of your teeth, but also improve the look of your smile.

Some of the Restorative Procedures include:


  • Fillings
    To treat a cavity, the decayed portion of the tooth is removed and then the area where the decay was is"fillled" with a biocompatible restoration or filling. Fillings are also used to repair cracked or broken teeth and teeth that have been worn down.  Today, there are a variety of different types of filling materials available such as composite, amalgam and glass ionomers. ​ Composite resin fillings are the most common type used today. They are colour matched to your natural teeth and are aesthetically appealing.  They are most often used on the front teeth or any other visible parts of the mouth. Composite fillings bond directly to the tooth and reduces the drilling needed as in amalgam fillings.
  • Crowns
    A dental crown is used to restore a heavily broken down or damaged tooth, by placing a “cap” over it, thereby restoring its shape, strengthening the tooth and improving its function and appearance.
    When is a dental crown needed?
    To protect a weak tooth from fracture
    To be used after a root canal
    To support a large or fractured filling
    To replace a large fracture of the tooth structure
    For cosmetic changes

    A Dental crown procedure is broken up into two appointments.  In your first appointment, the tooth is shaped (reduced in size) so that the crown fits properly.  Then, an impression is taken using an intra oral scanner and sent to the lab.  A temporary crown will be placed on the tooth to protect it while the permanent one is being made.

    When your permanent crown is ready, our office will give you a call to come in for your second visit.  Here, the temporary crown will be removed, and your permanent crown will be placed.  Our doctor then checks that the crown placement is aligned properly so that your bite and spacing is comfortable.  Once this is confirmed with and you are happy with the crown’s placement, your new crown is permanently cemented in place.
  • Bridges
    A dental bridge is used if you have one or more missing teeth in your mouth and is used to literally “bridge” the gap between teeth.  A dental bridge is made up of an artificial tooth (called a pontic) attached to two crowns, known as abutments.  The artificial tooth is typically made of porcelain to aesthetically blend with your natural teeth.

    Not only will a dental bridge help restore your smile, but it will also restore your ability to properly chew and speak, restore proper alignment of your bite, and help prevent misalignment of your other teeth. 

    A dental bridge is very durable and if taken care of properly it should generally last for about ten years or longer.


9711 137 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta

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